Chapter 001 – Page 020

Discussion (9) ¬

  1. SpeedingHedgehog

    I’d kinda prefer some action and an interesting plot to just Sonic and Sally kissing.
    BTW: AMAZING so far!

  2. Asher Tye

    Ha! In your face Naugus. So much for the big bad evil sorcerer. By the way, mad props for the way Snively looks in the middle left panel. Like I said, loving this comic so far.

  3. gojira007

    Believe me, sonxsal, I appreciate your candor, and I do indeed intend to have some good Sonic and Sally interaction down the line, but for now I suggest trying to appreciate the story on somewhat broader merits. ^_^

  4. gojira007

    You really think so? Perhaps you should go back and read the beginning, then. ^_^

  5. sonxsal forever

    i like action to but sonxsal is still top ten on my fav list on the top ten of things i hate would be sally and knan

  6. Glitchet

    For the love of Eywa, sonxsal forever, give it a rest! Sonic and Sally kissing is not the be-all and end-all of SatAM, you know. I’d hate to think what the comic would be like if you made it. Sonic and Sally probably wouldn’t be able to keep their lips off each other. -_-

  7. John

    Little Sonic and Sally babies running around by page three!

  8. gojira007

    Shh! Don’t spoil Issue 2, John!

  9. The Rose Duelist

    GO SONIC, GO!!

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