Chapter 001 – Page 019

Discussion (9) ¬

  1. Speeding Hedgehog

    i like Sallys little plan! This is VERY good so far!

  2. The Mysterious Traveller

    It can’t be stressed enough, the artwork rules the world! Sally and Bunnie are beautifully drawn, I’ve never seen the Knothole Gals looking so awesome!

  3. Asher Tye

    I miss voice actors. That would have been wonderful to hear as well as see. This is DEFINITELY going wonderfully here. I can hardly wait until next Friday.

  4. Blaire Fields

    Very nice plan. 😉

  5. RayFlyingSquirrel

    Now I was impressed so far but that’s just bullshit.

  6. Paul

    Eh, Sonic did it in the show. Mind you, I guess he did use a tin can. Guess you can’t fight the power of the tin can.

  7. Krylancelo

    This IS AWASOME!!!!
    Brings back so meny memories 🙂

  8. GekiTheReviewer

    What, is mimicing Robotnik just a Freedom Fighter skill now?

  9. kriss1989

    @GekiTheReviewer – Probably. I imagine it’s a great skill to have when dealing with voice activated robots.

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