Chapter 001 – Page 021

Discussion (10) ¬

  1. John

    Sally and Bunnie have never looked better!

  2. gojira007

    Dude. sonxsal forever. I’m one of the biggest SonSal shippers you are ever likely to meet, and I can tell you without hesitance you’re being a dick. If the only way you’ll be satisfied with this comic is if it’s all SonSal all the time, I advice you to stop reading and take your disrespectful nonsense with you, because otherwise you’re wasting your time AND disparaging the work of a very talented artist in the process.

  3. gojira007

    …and now his comments seem to have vanished. Yay. lD;

  4. Shadow

    SonxSalxBun is the best way to go.

  5. Asher Tye

    YIPES Bunnie, you nearly gave Snively a flat top. 😀
    The look on his face is well worth the price of admission. I do notice Naugus didn’t exactly spring to the aid of his pointy nosed ally. I can’t wait to see what you planning with the big bad bat. Until next week then. Ciao for now.

  6. SallyAliciaAcorn

    OH YEA, THIS is good.

  7. CausticKitsune

    Wow, This is great guys! It’s just like the series never ended! (Which i supposed was the point!)

  8. Orumon

    Excellent. I’ve really enjoyed this so far and hope you keep at it. The artwork is lovely and from what I’ve seen the story is up to, if not surpassing, the quality of the original SatAM show.

  9. Blaire Fields

    Yay! SonSal moment! I am loving this!

  10. The Rose Duelist

    I was never into the mushy side of romance. What I like is just seeing how much Sonic & Sally care for each other.

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