Chapter 002 – Page 018

And with that we see the end of Tails.   Daaammmnnnn, were you expecting that?

Simple question for this week.  Who will save the day now?  Will Ant wake up? Will Sonic bust out a hair dryer and melt the ice?  Will tails impact the ground so hard that it causes the building to shake thus Nagus looses his balance and falls to his death?!!  Nah.. Tails will just go *splat*.

Anyways, wait till next week and find out what happens!   Now, if you will excuse me I am going to go hide from Star.

Thanks for reading!


Discussion (37) ¬

  1. The Mysterious Traveller

    …looks like a promise is about to be broken. And much more besides unless a certain spiny speedster can think as fast as he runs.

  2. sonicblur13

    um how dumb do you think i am paul look closley at the seccond panel the crystal on sonics feet are cracking there meaning he’ll breack free:D ha!! i outsmarted you guy’s

  3. John

    Dammit, Paul, he’s onto us. We’ll have to change next week’s page now showing Tails dying of depression before Sonic can break free of the crystals to rescue him! Ha!

    And it’s a good thing neither of us the ones actually writing this comic. Gojira is doing a fantastic job in capturing the show’s strengths throughout these chapters. And Salamander, our artist, keeps on rocking those socks off. I’ve been meaning to talk to her about that, actually; I’m rather tired of buying new socks all the time.

  4. MistressAli

    Looks like it’s time for the appearance of DULCY! Muhahaha

  5. Kate Vunza

    Dulcy? How about that mysterious cloaked figure that I suspect could possibly be Knuckles? I mean, 1. Knuckles can glide, and 2. he’s a whole lot cooler (by general Sonic fanbase opinion) than Dulcy. Not to mention that having Dulce make her first appearance NOW would be a Deus Ex Machina, and having the cloaked figure reveal himself is something that the author promised would happen before the end of this chapter.

  6. Okida

    there we go. We all knew something was going to happen to Tails. Unless of course Sonic manages a last minute rescue, which is possible.

    Still on the edge of my seet

  7. LaserX5

    I hope he’s being sarastic about killing Tails off. That would be the dumbest move this comic ever pulled. He can’t die, not yet anyway.

  8. sonicblur13


  9. Paul

    I haven’t a sarcastic bone in my whole body.

  10. soniczfan

    well I say Ant will maybe save the day since season 3 was focusing on him,or sonic.

  11. sonicblur13

    dark sonic is gonna save the day

  12. star

    yeah you better hide from me paul i will kill you, tell your dead!!! wicth is worse!!! i can’t belieive you did that, if you guys kill tails i’m am going to find some way to find you and kill you to!!!! tails can’t die!!!! EVIL PEOPLE!!!! you are all evil people!!!!! and yes i am in my dark place. TAILS CAN’T DIE!!!!!

  13. Psy_commando

    Of course he wont, he always respawns!

  14. John

    ~ God mode.

  15. JayThree

    Yeah, it makes a lot of sense that the cloaked figure would be Knuckles since the chaos emeralds are finally being used in this story arc. With that being said, Dang! What is up with the sudden vicious hatred towards Tails. I hope someone catches him.

  16. sonicblur13

    @jaythree i dont hate tails hes my second favorite character well behind sonic of course

  17. Asher Tye

    How can you just leave a cliffhanger like this for a week? Shame on you!

    I say Sonic’s gonna break out of his crystal bonds and rush to the rescue, but the cloaked figure will save Tails (Someone better save Tails, or there’ll be big trouble). More to the point, I think, towards the end of this chapter, Tails is gonna accidentally blab all this to Sally and get Sonic an angry look. So i guess this settles the question as to whether Naugus is limited to contact to make his crystals or whether he can just make them appear.

  18. sonicblur13

    so i was at church one day. and i wondered ” bullshit!!! that cant happen ” ?

  19. dr.awesome

    and no cliffhanger either you done enough of those for the month

  20. John

    Can’t have a webcomic without loads of cliffhangers.


  21. RedPanda234

    …Didn’t expect that…and you guys are scary.
    I don’t think Tails is gonna die, because he still has very important roles in the story. As to who will save the day… I would love to see Ant doing this, but it doesn’t look like he’ll wake up so soon – Wake up, damn it!. I agree with Asher Tye’s idea (not about the cliffhangers), it’s a good one. But if the ice on Sonic’s shoes is breaking, he should be able to do something. And it also means that Naugus is more weak right now than expected….

  22. star

    i don’t care…wait reprase that, i do care if they save tails but still WHY THE HELL MAKE IT SEEM TAILS IS GOING TO DIE!!!! because of this i’ve been pissed off everywhere i’ve gone thinking in my head ‘they better no kill tails if not i will kill them’ littraly someone better save tails this friday if not i will raise hell on this website

  23. John

    Bring it on!

  24. star

    alright sorry about my last post, instead of raiseing hell on the website i was in hell at home. people yelling a few punchs going, i guess i just need to yell, i’m not going to raise hell here, this is the only place that is actullay is a pretty cool besides one other website but it’s more of a sonic bible. but to make it clear, last post, i was just roylay pissed off at home, not going to raise hell, if i was, it probley won’t be hell, because i can’t get that mad unless someone really pushes me off the deep end. sorry guys…….

  25. Paul

    I don’t see anything to be sorry for.

  26. MistressAli

    Tails go SPLAT…hooohaahaa. >:}

  27. John

    Maybe Tails will land on Snively and make HIM go splat.

  28. xxmrbirdyxx

    tails will be saved by robotnik driving a jelly car. also i think the cloaked figure will be revealed but without us knowing it.

  29. dr.awesome

    maybe tails is save by the cloaked figure who turns out to be king acorn, who somehow escape with naugus but lost his memory
    that be a cool plot twist
    a stay by my opinion that you guys need just a little less cliffhangers

  30. sonicblur13

    @dr awsome trudatt

  31. RedPanda234

    King Acorn lost his memory in Archie Comics…

  32. dr.awesome

    did he? I never read
    still be awesome plot twist

  33. Fanman

    The face in the cloaked figure looks a lot like Knuckles. But he was never in SatAM. So I is confused… :/

  34. JayFoxFire

    Oh no!! D: I hope Sonic could save him somehow!

  35. Quickster

    You know, Tails did look better as a fairy.

  36. Quickster

    From Chief’s perspective, this was probably the greatest page ever made.

  37. SonicFan0706

    That is just Scary as HELL

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