Chapter 002 – Page 017

I still say Ant is going to save the day.. Any moment now he will jump up and be a hero! . . . ANY MOMENT NOW ANT!

Alright well here we are, another Friday. Whats so special about this Friday? Well..nothing really. But it is my first Friday after turning 23 so yaaaay!  Actually for those of you in North America there is a nifty meteor shower going on right now. So if anyone is still awake while reading this take a moment to peal yourself away from the computer, go lay out on your lawn and take a good look at the sky for a bit.  I was just outside myself, only saw a few, however it is suppose to pick up in a hour or so.

Right, now because you all are probably looking foreword to the question this week I’ll ask it now.  We haven’t done that many pages yet. Only on our second chapter, well, we have that B&W short as well.  However my question this week is…

So far in our story what single page do you like the best? Could be because of something funny, or you really liked the art in one?

Just post a link in the comment section of your favourite strip, say why, and yadda yadda.

Anyways, if you are interested my favourite one to date was a few weeks ago when you first see Ant laying on the ground. It was just priceless.

Anywhoo… Any other news.. Oh, for those of you interested Gojira is working on doing a write up on how to make a story line, get references, and all of that jazz. He should get it up soon. Also thinking of doing write ups on how each chapter is created and so on. Give you more of a idea on how we put this all together.

As always please feel free to join the forums,   You will also be able to find this weeks question on the forums.

So as always, we shall see you next Friday! Have a good week!

Discussion (27) ¬

  1. dr.awesome

    I like this page tails slamming into nuagus like that is awesome
    but every new page is my fravourite cause it give us more story

  2. Gammaray

    I have an idea for the next short:
    “Memories of a Dark Past”.
    It would center around Snively, and his past which includes several important plot points:
    He was born as a human on Earth. Eventually, at age 20, he went with his uncle Julian, age 40, on a spaceship. He stayed there for three years at the speed of light until he came back. He found that thanks to radiation, all the humans were dead, and animals have mutated and evolved into intellegent beings., calling their planet “Mobius”. However, they were in the middle of a Great War. Julian, age 43, stopped the War so everyone thought he was a hero. A year later, on Friday, September 13, 3224, Julian (Now Robotnik), and Snively (age 24) took over. Now, 15 years later, Snively (age 35) has taken over and Robotnik (age 59) has been trapped in the Void.

  3. sonicblur13

    well i like the snively and naudus pages you know the ones that have snively and naugus talking

  4. Glitcher

    Thanks, but we don’t need people trying to shoehorn their fan fic into the comic. Besides, the next short is already written. I know, because I’m drawing it.

  5. sonicblur13

    dear paul on sea3onyour a giant beaver but in the FUS boards your dr robotnik so witch one is it giant beaver or dr robotnik

  6. star

    TAILS GET OUT OF THE WAY oh poor tails he’s going to get hit. this is bad, someone change the art. but my faverit page would be… page nine of this comic just because Ant almost swings a pipe and the line ‘whoa whoa! at ease there solider boy’ every time i read that i can just hear sonic actually saying that. but still TAILS MOVE!

  7. Paul


    I use the beaver as my avatar on the boards as well.

  8. Asher Tye

    Gotta wonder if that is Naugus’s way of flipping Tails the bird. 😀 Love the look on Tails’s face as he slams into the old wizard. Too bad Naugy didn’t think to watch his back. Or maybe a good thing since he didn’t get a chance to defend.

    My favorite page? The one where Tails points out the FF need to get more information on Naugus.

  9. sonicblur13

    hey paul is it wierd that ever since chapter 002 page 006 ive been commenting the most every page what does this mean doesthis mean im just an anoying little twat or does this mean that im a REALLY loyal fan pleas give me an honest opinion

  10. Paul

    Sonicblur, Id say loyal. You haven’t done anything annoying.

  11. Juice16

    Knew Tails was going to save the day!

  12. sonicblur13

    do you actually have an idea what spells naugus can do

  13. John

    Naugus knows how to moonwalk. That’s it.

  14. sonicblur13

    no i mean spells

  15. John

    Oh. Naugus has spells that make everyone else know how to moonwalk.

  16. sonicblur13

    paul can you give ,me a real answer

  17. Paul Go 20 seconds into the video. Thats where Naugus learned his spells from.

  18. sonicblur13

    hey paul

  19. Paul

    Good afternoon young sir or madam.

  20. sonicblur13

    im a boy

  21. star

    and i’m in insane girl, yes i said girl, not many where i live like sonic, wicth sucks, i’ve been a fan ever since i was yeah high (5 or 6) i’m still loveing the comic and it still sucks they canceled the show, if they could bring it back that would be alsome 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  22. sonicblur13

    hey paul wazzap!!!!!!

  23. sonicblur13

    so paul when are those how tos gonna be up

  24. Gammaray94

    It’s NOT A FANFIC!
    It’s real.
    Ben Hurst said so.

  25. RedPanda234

    …Get up, Ant!
    So Tails really saved the day after all, uh? My favorite page is page 15, when Sonic gets stuck in the ice. Loved the art, loved Ant’s and Sonic’s expressions.

  26. Mr Knockout

    Looks like Naugus is giving Tails the finger. xD

  27. Quickster

    Oh, that’s going to hurt in the morning. For Tails, I mean. Next time, use your fist, like Mario!

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