Christmas 2014  Antoine Gets Lucky!

Christmas is here once again.  Meaning our year is close to coming to yet another end.  It has been quite a slow year on the S3 front…As a good chunk of it was spent on hiatus.   However we are back and rolling along now.
Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin…And I promise you 2015 will be a great year for Sea3on!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and we will see you in 2015



Had fun coloring this in. Hope you guys are having a great holiday!






Have a wonderful Christmas, wherever you are, and we shall continue to art in January


Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Speedy

    Knowing Sonic, I don’t think he’ll be happy with Antoine on the snowman gig

  2. Rayman

    Merry christmas, guys! Looking forward to next year a lot!

  3. crzymn777

    Merry Christmas guys, Sea3on has been amazing so far, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year!

  4. DeathofInk

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Netsuye

    Merry Christmas guys! I appreciate all the hard work each of you do to make this comic.

  6. Rayman

    I’m sorry as this isn’t really on topic, but I just read that Cristine Cavanaugh has died, 51 years old. I know she quit voice acting some years ago, but her work was wonderful and she’ll be missed. 🙁

  7. Redstar

    R.I.P Cristine Cavanaugh voice of Bunnie Rabbot of SATAM. Goodnight sugah

  8. DMoney

    R.I.P Cristine Cavanaugh

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