Chapter 6 page 33

Arms in the air. Called it.


Discussion (7) ¬

  1. DarkLink1996

    I knew I smelt a rat. But please have Gavin betray the traitor.

  2. dmoney

    I knew that mfka was up to something! You guys just need to write in that the rhino dude gets roboticized! LOL

  3. SBaby

    And everyone immediately thought the same thing. POWER RANGERS!!!

  4. bith

    I’m all for Gavin disobeying orders

  5. cccviper653

    Oh noes, Gavin’s too cute to be a spy! Speaking of cute, Tails can never die even at the hands of the artists because he’s got something even more powerful than plot armor, FAN ARMOR!!! The tiny kitsune will live on forever! I can’t wait to see what granite breath says to Gavin tomorrow, I’ll celebrate this friday with a chili dog!

  6. Xaos

    Tails may have fan armor vs. death….but, an all-powerful mecha-Tails bypasses the fan armor thanks to the rule of cool, so he could still be roboticized

  7. cccviper653

    I thought this comic updated fridays. Oh well. Anyway, Xaos, that is illegal thinking! Cute overrides cool any day. :c Besides, if Tails’ tails were metal, he wouldn’t be able to fly. Of course if he’s a robot, then his tails could become an actual rotor but that’d kinda be a cheap way to do it since the robot versions of characters look very similar to when they’re not robots and since Tails’ biggest distinguishing features is his tails, he’d look waaaaay different. I would be happy if Tails did get roboticized (provided a permanent reversal is discovered shortly thereafter) because it’d lead to a touching moment like with Sonic getting Chuck to fight it. I feel Tails’ robot form could very easily be swayed to the good side with all that adorable mushy brotherly love and stuff. Damn I write too much, what am I still in school? lolol.

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