chapter 4 page 36

One more page, one more page!  NYAN CAT AWAY!


Also, if you ever wondered how the meetings go between myself and Steven as we discuss the pages..Well here ya go:

Chief`> the way you built her light..great
<Chief`> like the light its self
<saber> oh yeah
<saber> gorjira wrote in a lamp
<saber> so, I found an example of a desk lamp
<Chief`> I think it works great
<saber> and looked at my ceiling light to get an idea of how the light may look
<saber> it fucking hurt, so I ended up guessing




And Nicole finally stops being dead and has something to show us. IS IT NYAN CAT!?


– Steven





Discussion (12) ¬

  1. Charlotte

    Is it Sally’s mother? Looks like her 😀
    So close to chp. 5, EXCITED. <3

  2. Asher Tye

    Darn you cliffhangers!

  3. Keen Bean

    Oh boy, just one more page left as we get a new twist! And the figure in the last panel is just unclear enough where I can think of several characters it could be, but wouldn’t be willing to bet on any one of them.
    Great work!

  4. Amanda


  5. Tammy SATam

    Looks a bit like Sally’s mother to tell the truth, though it looks a bit like Aleena from Sonic Undergroung for some reason.
    Aww is Sonic worried about Sally.
    Wait maybe it is Nicole’s lynx/mobian form.

  6. Captain Sorzo

    Great page as always, Saber. I didn’t even notice the [non-green] lighting until I read Paul’s note. It looks very good, though in the third panel Sally appears to be behind the light instead of in front of it. Just a minor nitpick.

    One of the many things I love about this comic is that the visuals frequently add to the narrative in subtle yet striking ways. The sparse nature of the hut is indicative of both the poor conditions that the Freedom Fighters live in and aspects of Sally’s character, such as her refusal to elevate herself above others despite her lineage and position of leadership. Her expressions on the previous page also speak volumes about her character.

    As for the mysterious figure, Nicole’s Lynx avatar immediately comes to mind, but I’m doubting it’ll be used in Sea3on.

  7. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Hmm… maybe the figure isn’t Nicole as we know it from Archie, but a new, SatAM exclusive form?

    I mean, we know the plans Hurst had for her, so it’s really possible that they’re going to use them, but redesign her Mobian form.

  8. Storm Spotter

    Oh man. It took me a while, what with the drama of the scene, but did anyone notice the look on Sonic’s face in the sixth panel? There’s something just … right about it.

  9. Righteous Fury

    Thank you so much for this! Yesterday, I learned that the author of a fanfiction I’d been following for the past few months passed away the day before, leaving his masterpiece unfinished and on a cliffhanger, so just seeing this update cheers me up a little.

    On a bit of a lighter note, it’s nice to see Sal get back to her Sea1on roots on this page (wolf whistles).

  10. dmoney

    I think this is what happened…Sally unwittingly accessed a locked away hidden file about the Chaos Emeralds. The file was activiated when she translated the ancient writing in the wind tunnel, which Nicole recited the expression “By Star’s Guidance, By Sun’s protection”. Her father or somebody else must’ve put it on the computer when she was very young, knowing that when she got old enough and if she actually found the ancient scripture, she may need this file one day. It just probably ran some outdated very long security check before displaying the file. Security protocols like that usually do freeze up your computer until it is completed. I guess its the same way on Mobius 🙂 I may be wrong about all this though, but we will find out next week!

  11. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    My prediction: one small panel showing Sonic and Sally’s shocked faces, and a splash page featuring the figure speaking, leaving us with a huge “TO BE CONTINUED”

  12. Jay

    Hasn’t she found hidden files in nicole before? Kinda makes you wonder what else is in there…

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