Chapter 003 – Page 023

Annnnnnd we are a bit late.  But hey.. Still Friday so whatever.  Blame me yadda yadda 😛


So I read the script for chapter 4 the other day.. I must say, I think you guys are going to love it.  Lots going on.. And dare I say we revisit a place from Season 1. Good times all around.   Also Smile Face gets a huge role.


Other stuff,… Hmm.  Nope.  Quiet week.  No news on the movie front, or anything else for that matter.  So enjoy the comic.


Till next week,



Discussion (11) ¬

  1. LegacyElite84

    Are we going to Maga? And will Smile Face be the king?

  2. Star

    @legacyElite84 if that’s the case i’ll pack the food RoAd TrIp!! 🙂

    alright on to the comic…BUNNIE SNAP OUT OF IT NAGUSE GOT TO YOU!!!!!!….yeah haven’t been feeling well lately so that’s all the randomness i can pull for the night….

  3. dragon

    That’s not Rotor! It’s Naugus in disguise! How Bunnie knew that, I don’t know…

  4. c.w.

    Bunny’s completing her clown transformation

  5. ArchieSonicFan#1

    Ixis Naugus is a wizard of the Order of Ixis, which was created by Master Ixis Mammoth Mogul. Ixis wizards specialize in elemental magic. Electricity is an element. I’m betting ol’ Naugie used his powers to go into Bunnie’s roboticized parts and control them to take out Sal and Rote.

  6. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Hey, Naugus’s backstory is Archie-only, and may or may not be included in Sea3on.

  7. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I’m sorta sad. They’re going to damage the pillar.

  8. LaserX5


    Why would that be Naugus if he is supposed to be hunting down Sonic?

    I gotta feeling the Chaos Eye got to Bunnie’s robotic parts.

    Or maybe, it’s what Rotor said at that end, when he put it, “hook up with Bunnie”

    Nah, couldn’t be the last one.

  9. LegacyElite84

    @Ultimate Hammer Bro
    I know, it’s for…the best.

  10. c.w.

    @ ArchieSonicFan#1
    he’s just called Naugus in Satam so I don’t think he’ll have the Order of Ixis backstory. Though it is interesting that he’s looking for objects that have power over the elements so maybe he has similar powers to his Archie counterpart.

  11. dragon


    I don’t know, just throwing that out there as a wild guess… ^_^

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