Chapter 001 – Page 023

Discussion (12) ¬

  1. Gamenoise

    Nice Job… I cant wait to see how where this comic will go.

  2. Asher Tye

    Another winner. So do we take it issue one is now over?

  3. BenX

    Awesome I like how it’s a little like the old school comics as it’s not like Archie…

  4. Satam12323

    pretty good so far keep it up

  5. Neon Black

    …just what?

    Riveting stuff! This is great, keep it up.

  6. HiFiHedgehog

    I’ve been reading so far, and wholeheartedly enjoy it. One question, though: where can I get the ultra high-res images of this comic? I’m thinking of professional printing this for myself, but the the images are sorta low-res.

  7. John

    We’re looking into publishing each issue.

  8. Chief

    Yeah, due to copy write stuff and all that jazz though we are looking at printing off only a limated ammount of these and offering them as prizes to contests etc.

  9. HiFiHedgehog

    Cool. Thanks guys!

  10. Speeding Hedgehog

    Nice! The only problem is, Sonic doesn’t look right. His spikes look weird, and so do his eyes in alot of the pages.

  11. Blaire Fields

    Epic, simply epic. It’s almost as if its ’95 again. ^_^

  12. The Rose Duelist

    Oo, great tension in the dialogue.

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