Chapter 7 Page 10

Well dang…That is evil. Not wanting to be friends and all.  Such a jerk.



Discussion (5) ¬

  1. jprime

    Panel 8: You left out the “m” in “them”.

  2. Death of Ink

    Is that Omochao?

  3. Tim "J"

    That is not Omochao, lol!

  4. Sparkle

    Co-units. Excellent.

    This is terrifying. I wonder if it would’ve passed ABC’s censors. Probably couldn’t show the stabbing going on. Very Philip K. Dick kinda material with the psycho use of technology.

  5. Velvet

    Phew, how awful. And it creates quite the moral dilemma. In Bunnie’s position I’d be wondering whether Cat now bears a grudge for not getting rescued. That said, I also think he’s older and wiser than that. But then, when you’re in a desperate situation and have lots of time on your hands, you can get quite bitter. But then again, if he was autonomous like this, how come he didn’t try to escape?

    My money’s on him making an effort to re-infiltrate the Freedom Fighters now. After all, he couldn’t become a spy for Robotnik, could he, wink wink? He’s just told them how he was meant to infiltrate them and couldn’t because he’s a failed experiment, wink wink.

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