Chapter 7 Page 03

Had a massive wind storm last night.  Most of my town is out of power..Somehow I’m not.  So..luckily Im able to uploads this.

Anyways hope you guys are enjoying the chapter so far!


Discussion (10) ¬

  1. Rankles75

    Great to have this back… ?

  2. TheRedAuthar

    Chapters sucks. You should start over from scratch. *Is immediately murdered*

    Looks great thus far. Happy to have things progressing again.

  3. Sparkle

    This is already great. aaaahh so awesome to have this back.

    That will pretty much be my every comment on each page.

  4. Saber16

    The colors are looking great! You should have got rid of whoshisface ages ago!

    Ok, I’m a tad harsh on myself, but I really am loving the new colorist and it’s oddly… odd to be surprised with the comic… it’s a joy I thought was lost to the time of old.

  5. coolbepotter

    Welcome back! I’m so glad to see that the comic’s still alive!

  6. Tony

    Sweet. A Bunnie starring story.

  7. Tim "J"

    Saber16: Ah, Stephen! D You’re making me feel bad, lol Glad you’re enjoying the work, though, bud! ^_^

  8. Velvet

    Good, Bunnie! Show that you’re doing your own tactical thinking! I mean sure, you don’t know he’s been sent in as a spy for your team, but if anyone’s going to show off the KFFs in a good light it’ll be you.

  9. Kilderok

    I wonder what it’s like having fingers growing out of your forearms and biceps…?I mean when I think about the complicated array of muscles and tendons that would have to network just to make those non-vestigial…

  10. Kilderok

    Also speaking of improbably flying characters, the hell happened to Dulcy? I’ve been reading this thing and she’s completely omitted.

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