029 R

Another one that needed heavy work. Got it done in the nick of time.


I broke one of my rules. I did modify one of the texts….it had to be done. THIS time. Don’t expect it again. XD


On a different note, I figured out the issues with the categories for the comics. Some may have noticed when going to earlier comics, suddenly skipping to like the middle of chapter 5? Or the fact not all comic pages were in their respective comic categories? Turns out the two were related, mostly. Something to do with parent categories and such, lol.

Long story short, I did some rearranging and now everything should work. Happy reading!


Discussion (2) ¬

  1. randomizer

    Nicole in particular received some nice improvements in this page. Her face is much less wonky 🙂 Well done!

  2. Ishaparq

    I just did a side comparison of the two versions, and I am impressed at the work you have put out in the revamped version. The characters’ faces just seem more realistic (at least in the cartoon sense): the mouths definately received an improvement but even the eyes look more detailed compared to the old version. As for changing the dialogue, you made a good move. Shortening Evangeline’s speech and adding Bart’s comment in the last pane are more appropiate for the whole drama sequence. I’d say you done a good job! Way past cool!

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