Sonic Model Sheet

Me and Steven spent a long time texting each other pictures and random ideas back and forth before we finally came up with Sonic’s new design. Using our new “magic” proportions and some tweaks, we managed to create a Sonic representative of his original SatAM design, yet unique and customized for Sea3on’s comic pages. The tweaks give artists like me the ability to get much more emotion and action out of Sonic for the comic book pages; Which makes me real happy. 😀

More Sea3on model sheets will be available on my Deviantart account as I create them. Look out for them here.



Discussion (4) ¬

  1. Audrix


  2. bith

    Indeed. Very nice

  3. Flordeoro

    You are doing an excellent job

  4. Claude

    I see Sonic shares his feet with the cast of Fire Emblem Awakening.

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