Chapter 6 page 27

Yes! Put an end to the red lights!


Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Nightmus

    Yeah, take that, you stupid metal soundwave generator thing! Teamwork!

  2. TachyonCode

    I’m guessing these technical difficulties could easily involve fireworks…?

  3. jprime

    Nice touch with the tear.

  4. bith

    Thank goodness, that red light is burning my brain.

  5. Robert the hedgehog

    I wonder what Rhino boy has to say to this. After all that ego of his is annoying. At least sonic is funny with his ego.

  6. Uncle Chuck

    Thus, ends the reign of red lights

  7. Wilddog73


  8. ZikShadow

    Snively didn’t thought of any underground attacks.

    Reminds me of when he also missed the lower caves in his Wolf Pack debacle.

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