20 years later

I was so wrapped up with all the other stuff, when I was told the 20th anniversary for the cartoon series was last week, I dropped everything to put this together. Originally, it was just going to be black and white, but one thing led to another and now it’s got some grey scale going on.


Well, what can I say.

20 years later, and this show still has a strong following, the characters are still loved to this day- for a show that lasted as long as it did, that’s pretty impressive.

To the incredible minds behind the series, the cast, the crew, the animators, composers, and of course the fans, thanks for everything.


Discussion (24) ¬

  1. Elisto Dragonwings

    And thank you, Gojira, and Paul for keeping it going!

  2. Righteous Fury

    Looks like Robotnik and Snively didn’t get invites.

  3. Skotty

    Well done picture 😉 Already wondered if you guys forgot the 20th!

  4. Dirvinator

    chillie dog cake…. WHY HAS NOBODY MADE THIS YET!! 😀

  5. Will

    Well, Righteous Fury, you have to keep in mind that they are kind of fighting a Guerilla war against him. What would they even say on their invitation?

    “Dear Evil-Scientist-who-shall-not-be-named-Eggman and Pointy nosed Midget,

    We’re throwing a party at Knothole to celebrate 20 years of fighting you and you’re invited. Directions are on the back. Oh, and when you’re done memorizing them, be sure to burn this invitation and not tell each other. We sure wouldn’t want you to know the location of our secret base!

    Hugs and Kisses,

    The Freedom Fighters.”

  6. DeathofInk

    You guys keep this show alive!!

  7. Devo

    Tails looks so CUTE in this piece with those big bright eyes! x3

  8. Speedy

    This show, the characters, everything that goes with it, will always be forever in our hearts

  9. saber


    Donut power rings, actually. But I’m sure someone will make a chilli dog cake one of these days.

  10. Rankles75

    Holy shit! 20 years? Really? I feel old…… :p

  11. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    What can I say? It looks amazing 😉

  12. Spectre the Hechidnat

    Truly I am grateful for this series, and its contributions to the ongoing Archie Comics-even if those are undergoing some unsettling changes right now. Love the pic, guys; is that a hint of BunniexAntoine I’m seeing?

  13. TrueBlueSonicFan

    They sure look good for their age.

  14. Ken

    I guess Dulcy wasn’t invited to the celebration. Or just lost the invitation

  15. Ultimate Hammer Bro


  16. Jay

    @Ultimate Hammer Bro
    The dragon from season 2.

  17. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Really? There was a dragon in season 2?

  18. Uncle Ben

    Chili dog cake… Hell im a culinary student why didnt i think of that??

  19. Kike

    Tear coming out…

    My 3yr old nephew loves the show

  20. Gamer

    Thank you,I just got done watching every episode of this series and I hunted for answers to why we didn’t get a third seoson.this is the best thing to happen to me

  21. Arturo

    Awesome! Can’t wait for the next chapter.

  22. Gamer

    this show had the least amount of episodes,that is just wrong

  23. jtreese

    page 27?

  24. Arturo

    Paul, can I ask for permission to use this to advertise the comic in my deviant? If not then it’s okay.

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