Chapter 002 – Page 013

I love how Ant turned out here.

Anyways, new question.

What character do you want to see star in their own chapter or short?

Just write a response bellow or join the forum and respond there

With that all said and done.. See you next Friday!


Discussion (18) ¬

  1. Kate Vunza

    Wow, that first panel is really, REALLY well colored. I feel like I’m actually THERE when I look at it! Way to pump up my adrenaline!

    Not to mention that Ant’s expression is PRICELESS!

  2. Psy_commando

    “What character do you want to see star in their own chapter or short?”
    My first answer would be all of them, but I guess that’s not what you’d want to hear.

    1. I may be the only one, but I’d like to see some more Antoine. Especially since Ben Hurst supposedly said once something big would happen with ant… A good old short “out of character” moment, where he’d show compassion or something with another character like tails or rotor, and then blows it all up at the end with some typical Antoine awkwardness.
    2. Griff that guy from lower mobius.
    3. Rotor!
    4. Robotnik.
    5. Lupe and the wolfpack.

  3. sonicblur13

    idd like to see sonic like leave knothole and go on some badass like journy

  4. sonicblur13

    or mabye one were it shows robotnik plotting
    got a perfect design
    torn cape
    broken mechanical eye
    rusted up robot arm
    cuts and bruises everywere

  5. John

    @ Psy_commando
    We have an Antoine short in the works that might just be what you’re wanting. Stay tuned!

  6. sonicblur13

    what the fuck are you thiniking i hate the antione episodes

  7. Paul

    That sucks. We are going to copy the episode EXACTLY. So I guess you will skip out those few weeks.

  8. sonicblur13

    im gonna keep reading though cus i bet you can turn the god aufle antione episodes to somethin cool

  9. John

    That’s is the plan, mate.

  10. Paul

    Also, never take me seriously. Well, lets say don’t take me seriously 80% of the time.

  11. Psy_commando

    It should be interesting to see what you can come up with. 🙂

    It’s funny how, when they recruit all those rebel factions, they haven’t even mentioned Griff and lower Mobius.

  12. Gammaray

    take into account that a lot of the first season characters are forgotten, and we can assume that none of the season 1 stuff happened. Of course, it did happen. :-p

  13. SpeedingHedgehog

    Personally, I want to see an Antoine story. One that’s light hearted, and genuinely funny. Not him flipping out, and being chased by a stupid robot. I mean REALLY funny. Also, I’d like a Rotor story. He needs to be fleshed-out as a character. And, I don’t know why, but I always had a certain feeling him and Sonic would make REALLY close friends. I dunno why. I think they would really get along, and it could be some fun!

  14. Asher Tye

    Finally got the chance to see this. It is still awesome. You have to wonder where Naugus is waiting in all of this. You just know he’s going to make a big entrance.

    Who do I want to see star in a short? Hmmm, that is a toughie. He’d have to be short. Maybe all furry. Flight would be a plus. And if he happened to have something about him that makes him physically distinct, that would definitely cinch him in as the one I’d want to see. (Go Tails, Go Tails, Go Tails!!)

    Other than that, I’d also like to see Robotnik and Snively take center stage for a short. Honestly, that would have been excellent material for one of those 15 minute half-a-sodes.

  15. Kate Vunza

    I also say more Antoine, particularly featuring his hopeless romantic endeavors. I mean, in his overall career (WARNING: Sonic Universe #19 spoilers ahead at the very end!), he’s failed to woo Sally, dumped Tatiana (Archie #130-something) like a hot potato for the dumbest reason ever (I mean, honestly, how was that tigress SUPPOSED to react to him lying to her when they were, like, ten? He’s lucky she even gave him a second shot in the first place!), been nearly poisoned to death by Ro-Becca’s cooking, and now, just when we think he’s happily married and on his honeymoon with Bunnie (with two kids in his future, no less — possibly more), he goes and pulls a Wile E. Coyote impersonation from a very high place because he can’t see through his newlywed wife’s Dark Egg Legionnaire impersonation. Not to mention that, judging from his appearance on the preview cover of SU #19, he’s probably going to hit his head on the presumably oncoming Sea Fox and lose what sanity he gained during Ian Flynn’s run on the comic… unless Yardley is just messing around with us.

    But if you have to make Ant act out of character, PLEASE don’t pull a “Patch” on us. If it weren’t for Penders establishing that it actually WAS Patch (and then sending him packing to his home zone, although my vote would’ve been to have Elias stick Patch with his own toxic syringe — poetic justice, although probably not suitable for a “kid’s comic”), then who knows what that coydog would have done to the continuity, let alone the relationships between the characters (not that Brollers and Penders hadn’t already fouled those up as well).

    Ian Flynn rocks.

  16. sonicblur13

    id like to see sonic munch some chilidogs

  17. CausticKitsune

    I agree about Antoine having his own short, it would be nice to give him a situation where he can mature as a character.

  18. Quickster

    Aaaaand Tails looks like Iron Man in Panel 1.

    So I guess I’ll be seeing an Antoine story soon?

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