• Mobius ain’t what it used to be.

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    July 21st, 2015 by

    You may have noticed that we were hacked again about a week ago and, as a result, the forum has been down a few days. Well, good news! I’ve cleaned everything up (much better than I did last time) and everything seems to be in working order. That means, yes, the forum is finally back! But wait! Remember that, although the chance is small, the hackers may have gotten your forum password. If you’re concerned about this, you should change your password, not just on the forum, but on every site where you used that password. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Wondering why the forum was down so long? A big part of it was Bluehost requires us to submit a support ticket to wipe the server. I kept the forum down during the waiting period because the server could be wiped at any time and I didn’t want anyone to write a big post and lose it in the wipe. Well, after waiting about 60(!) hours for Bluehost to get off their butts and wipe the server, we gave up and signed up for DigitalOcean instead. I think DigitalOcean is a lovely host and look forward to working with them.

    Now to make sure we never get hacked again…

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