Chapter8 P10

Discussion (100) ¬

  1. Kody Sharp

    SONIC SATAM ON JUNE 23,2023?!?

  2. Kody Sharp

    The new Sonic game is awesome 😎

  3. Kody Sharp

    Way past cool 😎!!!!

  4. Selvenity

    I love it

  5. Kody Sharp

    Hello?!? Can you pretty please give us a
    New chapter it’s already been year and
    So far and you guys not keeping your promises
    So what’s the hold up?!?

  6. Kody Sharp

    I’m ready for Sonic Satam season three

  7. Suros

    Good lord, Kody is 25 out of 56 comments…
    Just chill dude. It’s not like you’re paying them for this. They do it because they like it. They can quit if they want, or they can make more if they want. Be happy that they’ve shared all this on their own time and hard work.

  8. Kody Sharp

    I know I’m just tired of waiting

  9. Kody Sharp

    So November is the Sonic Satam season 3 animated
    Series huh

  10. Kody Sharp

    Can’t wait to see it and I know it will be great 👍🏻
    Because you guys are awesome 😎!

  11. Kody Sharp

    Sonic prime season two was amazing

  12. Kody Sharp

    Yo yo what’s up Sonic satam season 3 fans
    I just watch Sonic Prime season two 1 to 8
    And it was really fun and awesome

  13. Claude

    Wow, has it been a year already?

  14. Kody Sharp

    Hey yo Sonic Satam season 3
    Fans what’s up dawg or should I say hedgehogs
    Lol 😂 anyways how are all ya been doing lately?

  15. GD champ

    when are you gonna make an new chapter?!

  16. Kody Sharp

    I know right when
    I’m waiting 🎵

  17. Ben_Herr

    Take your time y’all! Love all of this work so far. Was glad to stumble upon this comic.

  18. Kody Sharp

    Me too but I’m still waiting for the next
    Chapter though

  19. Christopher Badeaux

    I’m beginning to think the next page’s going to be released in October or something.

  20. Kody Sharp

    Yep me too…

  21. Christopher Badeaux

    Because by the looks of this page, I presume the next one’s going to be a Halloween treat for all of us.

  22. GD champ

    Yeah,You’re Right.

  23. Kody Sharp

    Well I’m pretty sure we all will
    Have a great treat for Halloween
    🎃 ☠️👻

  24. Kody Sharp

    If it comes out on Halloween or
    Somewhere in October or maybe November
    Your guess is good as mine….

  25. Kody Sharp

    The Sonic SatAm dvd 📀 came out so I’m
    Thinking about buying it today because I
    Love Sonic The Hedgehog SatAm more
    Then the cancelled Archie Sonic comics!

  26. Christopher Badeaux

    Looks like the project’s abandoned, then.

  27. Kody Sharp

    I hope you’re wrong about that because I’ll still wait for next pg and chapter and update on the Sonic
    Satam season three because it gonna be great 👍🏻 for long waited fans for this project 30 years is a long time to wait I know I haven’t been born yet but for years now I watch and played Sonic The Hedgehogs franchise

  28. Kody Sharp

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 to everyone who loves Sonic Satam

  29. Kody Sharp

    I hope you all have a great new years

  30. Superdave

    when we getting a new page? (just found the comic, dont know sh##)

  31. Kody Sharp

    Ohhh I know right when are YOU going to get started on the next page and chapter?!?

  32. Christopher Badeaux

    Looks like they’d given up or something. Not that I’d lost hope just yet, but they’ve been very quiet lately.

  33. Kody Sharp

    I know right I been waiting forever and still nothing
    How long are they gonna make us wait huh?!?

  34. Christopher Badeaux

    Could be that they’d actually died somehow instead.

  35. Kody Sharp

    Don’t talk like that they probably busy with the animation of Sonic SatAm season 3

  36. Christopher Badeaux

    Yet, it took them a very long time to finish the animation, also.

  37. SonicFan0706

    When will we get the next page as well as the animated series of the comic cause we still have no release date and it’s been almost 2 years

  38. Kody Sharp

    Yeah 2 years indeed I wish they would just let us know when they are going to make another
    Sonic Satam season 3 animation or the comic

  39. Christopher Badeaux

    They must’ve lied about it, then.

  40. Kody Sharp

    Yep maybe they did

  41. Christopher Badeaux

    Guess they also went to another world within our world, too, since that place is haven for liars.

  42. Kody Sharp

    Lol 😂 that’s funny but let’s just be patient something
    Will happen soon I hope 🤞…

  43. Zarius

    All the animation updates are on their patreon. I’m there. i know. They haven’t abandoned anyone Chris, so stop calling them liars and get lost.

  44. Christopher Badeaux

    I’m sorry for my attitude, then.

  45. Kody Sharp

    It’s alright man we know how you feel it’s been awhile since the last update of the Sonic SatAm comic

  46. Kody Sharp

    The knuckles tv show is going to be the best! Show EVER!!!

  47. Kody Sharp

    Ps. The Sonic movie 3 is be the best movie ever made this year!

  48. Christopher Badeaux

    Are you an AI or something?

  49. Kody Sharp


  50. Kody Sharp

    The sonic voice was amazing 🤩 ohhh I hope
    You guys can get us a update on the animation
    Soon! 😎🤩😎

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